First Name
Last Name
Home address
The address of the property being interior designed in this project
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Is the property listed? i.e. Grade I, Grade II etc
Yes, Grade I listed
Yes, Grade II listed
No, it's not a listed property
Are there any particular styles you prefer?
Please select as many as you like from below (here's a very long list of styles with photo examples, if that helps:
Traditional, e.g. Victorian, Georgian
Scandinavian, e.g. uncluttered, simple shapes, neutral colours
Maximalist, e.g. lots of different patterns & colours
Mid Century Modern, e.g. 1940s to 1970s
Industrial, e.g. exposed pipes, metalwork
Rustic country e.g. bare wood, biophilic textured fabrics
Shabby chic, e.g. an aged, distressed look
Art Deco, e.g. luxurious finishes, geometric forms
Minimalism, e.g. less is more, simple spaces
Eclectic, e.g. a mix of all styles
Other, please describe below
Are there any colours or styles that you really dislike and would like us to avoid?
What problem/s do you hope to solve by completing this project?
Please select as many as you need
Improve flow in the room
Increase storage in the room
Update the decor
Accommodate new activities, e.g. working from home, new baby arriving etc
Improve the light
Something else (please describe below)
If you chose "Something else" above, please let us know what the major concerns are currently, that you hope to solve
Is there anything else we should know about your project?
Please provide as much information as possible at this stage, it will help us prepare the right questions for our discussion. Thank you :-)